“Les concerts ne sont jamais de veritable musique, on doit renoncer a y entendre, ce qu’il y a de beau dans l’art.”
piano, flute, clarinet (or bass clarinet), violin (or viola), cello, percussion (1 player). ca. 10–12m
Each of 88 keys are played (depressed, not necessarily sounded) once per hand.
Eight lines are read in the percussion part, taken from Liszt and Carolyne zu Sayn-Wittgenstein’s eulogy Life of Chopin:
robes of peace
mal du pays
“brama assai, poco spera, e nulla chiede.” (Tasso)
the Bird of Paradise, which it was once thought never slept
first breath of the North wind
melody from Heaven
The title is Chopin as remembered by his student Emilie von Gretsch:
Concerts are never real music; in them we must give up hearing what is most beautiful in art.
(note December 12, 2024)